Lucy Cohen: Surprised to Be Seated Next to Pilgrims from California
It was an honor to attend the ceremony of the canonization of Father Junípero Serra, with the participation of His Holiness Pope Francisco, on Sept. 23, 2015. I arrived two hours early with the Poor Clare Sisters to whom I had given a ride. My ticketed place, however, was occupied because a group of pilgrims wanted to sit together. A helpful guide searched for another seat and he found one in the second front row. Can you imagine my surprise when I discovered that this seat was next to a group of Spanish speaking pilgrims who had come from California, precisely from one of the localities where Father Junipero had worked? As a Spanish speaker myself, it was a privilege to hear their stories and to share their excitement about the canonization. What an unforgettable ceremony!
– Lucy Cohen is a professor emeritus in the Department of Anthropology at Catholic University.