Bishop David O’Connell: CUA Rocks the Pope
It’s not every day that the Pope drops by a university, even a Catholic one, even THE Catholic University of America. By the end of the day on Sept. 23, 2015, three different popes will have visited the campus of CUA, an honor unique to our national Catholic university.
I was privileged to have been President for one of those visits, that of Pope Benedict XVI on April 17, 2008. In the days leading up to his arrival, the excitement and anticipation of the CUA community, especially the students, electrified the campus. For myself, I still couldn’t believe it when the limousine pulled up to the Pryz and the Holy Father stepped out.
Aside from the very important speech he delivered to Catholic educators inside, Pope Benedict XVI was clearly moved by the cheers and singing of the students on the lawn in front of the law school. He even referred to his visit to CUA in an interview later on as one of the highlights of his U.S. trip.
“CUA Rocks the Pope” one of the student banners proudly proclaimed. To be there with him that day, to address and introduce him, to share that event with so many students, faculty, staff, and Catholic university presidents and school superintendents from around the country, was one of the greatest moments of my life, certainly of my presidency.
I hope and pray that the September visit this year of Pope Francis will engender the same enthusiasm and excitement for everyone at CUA as the Pope’s visit did on that beautiful April day seven years ago.
— Most Rev. David M. O’Connell, C.M., bishop of Trenton, was the 14th president of the Catholic University of America (1998-2010).